Mr & Mrs Director of Music have safely docked in New York : : and have so far visited ten Churches, including all those the Choirs are visiting in NYC. Sunday morning was spent at a Black Baptist Church in Harlem ... Mr Director of Music is wondering how the Rector would fare with the constant background hum of the Hammond Organ, intermittent clapping of the Verger, and congregational whelps, groans and Ay-mens throughout his Sermons?
John Scott (a Patron of FOASM, DofM at St Thomas Fifth Ave., and former DofM at St Paul's Cathedral) wished us good luck before he left for the UK and we also met the Interim DofM at Smokey Mary's James Kennerley, who used to sing with Mrs Director of Music's brother whilst in Cambridge. Small world? Certainly a small choir gallery at Smokey Mary's, but a HUGE organ. All Saints seems very friendly, but St John the Divine is covered in scaffolding, knows nothing about our visit (argh!), and is all over the media for its enormous budget deficit. Still, made good contacts at St Paul the Apostle at the Lincoln Center, and have plans for Choir visit to hear 200 electric guitarists, simultaneously, at an open-air concert.
Hostel is very nice, and has been spruced up in places (esp. kitchen facilities) since we last stayed in 2003. Visited a Farmers' Market and had Bison Meatballs for Dinner. The Choir arrive very soon and blogs will come from choristers from henceforth. Amen.