Mr & Mrs Director of Music are now less than 400 miles from New York City, and are preparing for the 5:00am start tomorrow to watch the passage under the Narrows Bridge, and the view of the Statue of Liberty coming on to the horizon. Life on board has continued smoothly with a couple of black tie dinners being amongst the highlights, and the performance of a middle-aged "pro" in a piano extravaganza where she played the piano after the fashion of Bill Haley with various extremities of her body. Sadly her thigh was much bigger than Bill's and it was a considerable effort to get it onto the treble keys. Lovely.
For the first time today it has both rained and shined. The time has enabled the Director of Music to make a good number of preparations for the Tour and also for music for next term and the Derngate concerts with the stephen Petronio Dance Company and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Former singing teacher, and Chairman of the DofM's other choir - the Northampton Bach Choir - Heather, is cat-sitting and has e-mailed some great photos of Des and Gladys at play. Not long now until the troops descend ...