Just a quick post to say safely back at home in Northampton, raring to go for choir tomorrow. Unpacked all three suitcases, and done a big old spring clean of the Living and Dining Rooms. Still have sea legs so everything feels a bit wobbly, but this will pass.
Wednesday, September 10
Monday, September 8
Tossed and Turning
Currently sitting north of the Azores, but Parallel with Brussels so truly miles from anywhere. We re now picking up BBC1 and ITV via Northern Ireland, so it feels as though we're nearly home. We had gale force winds last night but you couldn't feel a thing due to their direction; the night before, however, we had a significant change in swell which was sickening, despite not being technically "rough", and left DofM with little sleep. We have covered 2214 nautical miles, with 1018 to go until Southampton.
Mrs DofM is safely back home, having had a Doctor escort back on the flight back from Toronto; she was glad of the Doctor escort as her Oxygen Saturation levels dropped up at altitude.
To reiterate my last missive in July, Choir begins on Thursday for Boys (4:30-6:00pm) and Girls (6:15-8:00pm), and then on Friday again for Boys (4:30-6:00pm), Choral Scholars (6:15-8:30pm) and Men (7:00-8:30pm). There is an additional obligatory rehearsal for the Choral Scholars on Saturday (1:00-4:00pm), and then Sunday is as usual with Boys & Men in the morning and Girls & Men in the evening.
Saturday, September 6
Full Day at Sea (1)

Toronto to New York and Sail Away

Just before leaving I happened to chance upon a CD in the discount bin at the Julliard School shop of French music fo
r upper voices and organ which includes the Cinq Motets by Langlais that were recorded on "En Priere", but the rest of the repertoire (Busser, Calmel, Godard, Lévy and Pierné) is unknown to me, and some of it is rather good. I'll try and track down scores when back in the UK to add to the new French repertoire that we hope, one day, will become a second French disc for upper voices.

Mrs DofM will leave Toronto on Saturday with her UK Doctor, and will be back in Northampton at some point on Sunday. She sounded much better on the 'phone yesterday, and we plan to keep in touch via scheduled internet chats (the 'phone on board is $4.95 per minute).
Wednesday, September 3
Shuffle off to Buffalo, and Rochester, and Albany, and, ... eventually, ... New York Penn Station
A brief post from DofM who made it on the 14 hour (!) train journey from Toronto to New York yesterday. He went Business Class which cost only CAD$14 in upgrade but gave him 36" of legroom, leather very reclinable seats, and free refreshments in the snack bar next door. The food was ghastly and for future reference bring packed food. 14 hours on the same train is quite something; in the next seats were a couple who live 150 miles north of Toronto and were going for the same QM2 crossing - DofM hopes to catch up with them on-board. Photos will be added once I'm on QM2 and have downloaded the images to the PC (thank goodness we bought a Choir Laptop and brought our own personal one, as this has enabled us both to have easy internet whilst DofM is in NY and Mrs DofM is in Toronto).
A day wandering in New York has been very useful, and he met with Fr. John Andrew, Rector Emeritus of St Thomas Fifth Avenue, at their Noon Mass.
Mrs DofM is still in Toronto - she will be flown under medical escort (!) back to the UK, door-to-door, and on a BA flight, on Saturday night, arriving in Northampton at some point on Sunday. The Insurance company have now agreed to cover the costs, and will pay from henceforth directly. The job will be to extract from them money which we've already paid out - medications, hotel bills, and the like. Still, we're delighted that they have resolved the issue.
A day wandering in New York has been very useful, and he met with Fr. John Andrew, Rector Emeritus of St Thomas Fifth Avenue, at their Noon Mass.
Mrs DofM is still in Toronto - she will be flown under medical escort (!) back to the UK, door-to-door, and on a BA flight, on Saturday night, arriving in Northampton at some point on Sunday. The Insurance company have now agreed to cover the costs, and will pay from henceforth directly. The job will be to extract from them money which we've already paid out - medications, hotel bills, and the like. Still, we're delighted that they have resolved the issue.
Monday, September 1
Next Term - 100s of Tunes!

Masses : Archer Missa omnes Sancti, Byrd Mass for Four Voices, Chilcott A Little Jazz Mass (SSA with the Martin Pickett Trio, 28 September, 10:30am), Darke in A minor, Dvorak Mass in D, Fauré Requiem (2 November, 6:30pm), Haydn Little Organ Mass, Howells Collegium Regale, Jackson in G, Langlais Missa in simplicitate, Perrin Missa Brevis, Plainsong Dominator Deus, Rutter Requiem (9 November, 6:30pm), Schubert in G, Shephard Mass of the Nativity, Stanford in C, F & G, Vaughan Williams in D minor and Vierne Messe solenelle.
Canticles : Bairstow in Eb (B), Brewer in D, Byrd Second Service, Dunleavy La

Anthems : Ashfield The fair chivalry, Attwood Turn thy face from my sins, Bach Wachet auf! (30 November, 6:30pm), Bainton And I saw a new heaven, Biebl Ave Maria (M), Britten Corpus Christi Carol, Britten Rejoice in the Lamb, Bruckner Locus iste, Burnam An endless Alleluia, Byrd Teach me, O Lord, Colson O living Bread, Dunleavy Round me falls the night, Dupré O salutaris hostia, Elgar Ave verum Corpus, Fauré Ave Maria, Ferguson A Prayer of Judith Rose (1st performance, 9 November, 10:00am), Franck Panis angelicus, Gibbons This is the record of John, Goss I heard a voice from Heaven, Greene Thou visitest the earth, Handel Messiah (extracts "in an hour" with trumpets and drums, 14 December, 6:30pm), Harris Holy is the true light, Hough O, soft, self-wounding Pelican, Howells O pray for the peace of Jerusalem, Hurford Litany to the Holy Spirit, Ireland Ex ore innocentium, Lang Let all the world, Le Fleming The Lamb, Martin Dominus illuminatio Meo, Moore All wisdom cometh from the Lord, Moore Through the day, Palestrina Sicut cervus, Parry I was glad, Philips Cantantibus in organis, Purcell Hear my prayer, O Lord, Purcell O sing unto the Lord, Purcell Thou knowest, Lord, Rutter For the beauty of the earth, Shephard In darkness held, Stainer God so loved the world (in advance of our first Crucifixion in recent years next Holy Week), Stanford Iustorum animae, Tallis If ye love me, Tallis O nata lux, Tallis Verily, verily I say unto you, Tavener God is with us, Vaughan Williams Five Mystical Songs (complete, RVW Festival Service, 12 October, 6:30pm), Vaughan Williams I vow to thee, my country, Vaughan Williams O taste and see, Walker I will lift up mine eyes, Wood Oculi omnium, Wood O thou, the central orb, and Wood The Best of Rooms.
Plus ... all the Hymns, Psalms and Responses, readings to learn, candles to light and snuff, and Carols and Anthems for Christmas, including those to be performed at our second concert with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra on Thursday 4 December at the Royal & Derngate, and the live performance of Rufus Wainwright's "Bloom" with the Stephen Petronio [Dance] Company, also at the Royal & Derngate (8 November).
Still here ...

They've not been able to send out a Doctor to fly back with her, so she's stuck here for now. DofM has to leave in the morning for his train ride down to NY ready to pick up the boat on Thursday morning. Mrs DofM is not well enough to take either the train ride or the boat so there is no option but to part in the morning. DofM's Aunty Joyce, a native of UK, but for many years a resident of PA, is planning to drive up (6 hours) to spend some time with Mrs DofM over the next 36 hours so that some of the time is covered.
Fingers crossed it all works out, and we're not sure who'll have the mobile 'phone or the laptop, but one of us hopes to keep you all posted. Thanks to everyone who has chipped in looking after the house and the cats - esp. the Mills brigade who've prepped the house for two failed Hannah arrivals - sorry for inconvenience. We're both looking forward to blighty and getting back to work! Photo at top taken care of T.T., Girl Chorister, pictured with S.J., Boy Chorister, in full Sister Act regalia ready to page-turn in Rochester.
It's worth checking out some of the earlier blogs, as we've been able to update generic photos with more specific ones from the Tour.
Friday, August 29
... Home, Sweet Home ... well, Hotel ...
Mrs DofM is proud to announce her eventual release by the good people of St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto. No flights on the horizon, however, due to insurance problems and difficulties getting the necessary documents signed by the right doctors within the right time zones. Nightmare.
Here is the only view of Toronto I've managed so far. If you imagine it's a panoramic view from some chic boutique hotel then you'll be very envious....
Here is the only view of Toronto I've managed so far. If you imagine it's a panoramic view from some chic boutique hotel then you'll be very envious....

Wednesday, August 27
A few sights in Toronto

Mrs DofM (pictured after most of the wires had been removed yesterday) is planning to get out on Friday morning, and fly back overnight arriving in BHX on Saturday morning.
Tuesday, August 26
Another day in old York

Have spent the free parts of the day exploring many CD shops in the City looking for evidence of Canadian Choral (and Organ) music of worth; not much to report, but Andrew Ager, DofM at St James' Cathedral (where the Dean has been a great help in making arrangements and providing support for me here) is a fine composer and we may think about a commission in 2009? I've spent some more time in the Cathedral, which is not particularly splendid, but does some great work with outreach in the City, and is looking to build a new Cathedral Center (!) to make more of this in the coming years. We were saddened to hear they could not keep their choir of Boys and Men, but looking at the Music Lists for their adult choir, it is clear that they have been able to keep standards very high with this arrangement.
Looking forward to returning home on QM2 - I'll keep you posted!
Another day in Old York
Yes, DofM still in Toronto (the City formerly known as York - our tour thus went from New York to old York), with Mrs DofM recovering well and hoping to be out of Hospital on Thursday, and on a flight back to the UK asap so that she can get back to her medications that are waiting at home for her. The cost of healthcare in North America is frightening and we are hustling the Insurance company to get payments sorted very quickly.

DofM has taken advantage of his free time to explore Toronto a bit further - there really is another city under the ground (useful when the temperatures plunge in Winter). A good deal of time was spent at St James Cathedral where the Dean has been a great support offering everything from accomodation to hospital visiting to help out over the coming days. Hours have been spent in a number of CD stores exploring Canadian Choral and Organ music (and, of course, Opera), but nothing of that much interest has sprung up. The DofM at St James' Cathedral, Andrew Ager, has written some very beautiful things, and perhaps we might consider him for a 2009 commission? If Mrs DofM is bundled back to the UK by the end of the week I'll be taking a train down to Pittsburgh to visit relatives nearby, before moving on to New York ready to set sail back on QM2.
Monday, August 25
They're back

Many thanks go to all who made the Tour work "on the ground", it is too exhaustive to mention everybody (you know who you are) but Group Leaders (noting Mr Bell's gift for finding food for nearly one hundred should be in the Guiness Book of World Records and Ferny whose first group leadership at only 19 years of age was a tremendous success), Mr Palmer, Mr Dickson, Mrs Masnica who sells tapes like a whirlwind, and particularly Mr Pinel who conducted the Girls' Choir so well and coped with the alternative arrangements in Albany/Rochester and Mr Turner who looked after the Choir so well when Mr Dunleavy was caught up in Mrs Dunleavy's hospitalisation, and who kept the British end in view bringing in CAD$100 along the way (cf: "I feel the winds of God today").
UPDATE : Mrs DofM was released from ITU last night and moved into a "Set Up" ward (like HDU in the UK) where she has stabilised and the Doctors are hoping to release her in 4-7 days.
FURTHER UPDATE : Please can DofM ask that parents bundle up photos of the tour that they are happy for him to distribute and use for publicity on CDs to be given to him upon his return, rather than e-mail photos as his Inbox has already exceeded its limits twice in the last 24 hours! With thanks.
Saturday, August 23
...Water, water, everywhere...

Thursday, August 21
Niagara Niagara - So good they named it, well, once ...
--- H.T. (Choral Scholar)
Simultaneously (long story, it should have been so much simpler!) the Girls' Choir, under the direction of Mr Pinel with Mr Dickson accompanying, performed to nearly 500 people at St Mary's RC Church in Rochester. They performed a first half of French music with organ from the West gallery, and a second half of English music with piano, including Chilcott's A Little Jazz Mass from the East end. The concert was publicised all over the town and on both local radio and TV. They gave us a great Pasta supper and the Days Inn where both choirs stayed that night was a great improvement from the Hostel in New York. (DofM)
We've spent today at the Niagara Falls - a late morning due to driving restrictions meant a late breakfast, and we were delayed at the change-over in Buffalo as Mr DofM pelted to the nearest Pharmacy to get a Prescription filled for Mrs DofM: $190 for sixteen pills! Niagara Falls was amazing, and we had a fine buffet dinner on the 13th floor of the Sheraton Hotel, overlooking the Falls, and a ride on Maid of the Mist, right into the water - fabulous. Our new Coach drivers (we're now on Greyhound Canada, where previously we were on Trans Bridge Lines from Bethlehem, PA) tell
us in great detail about everything we see from the coach - the CN Tower, the Baseball stadium (a game between New York and Toronto tonight really clogged up the roads), the "ER" carved into the lampposts on Queen Elizabeth Drive. The accomodation is student rooms - they're pretty good, but the place is a maze and we're still getting on top of the layout. --- E.J. (Girl Chorister)

Tomorrow we're at the Water Park for a second well-earned DAY OFF.
Brief Pausette in Postings ... US crossing to Canada
We will get proper blog postings done for all the intervening days, but all now safely crossed the border into Canada, on our new coaches and our new best friend driver John who knows everything about everything and everyone already and onto the home-straight.
Uploading photographs to the website is proving troublesome but we hope to rectify all of this in the near future. If you are reading this later and have photos of the choir on tour, if you have one or two that you would like t
In the meantime, please enjoy our bubbles and dig our High Visibility Vests - our Group Leaders had thought we would not like them but they're excellent and glow in all photographs. You cannot miss us in a crowd and we cannot get lost - yet!
[A.K. & M.S., Girl Choristers, pictured]
Sunday, August 17
Goodie Bags, Glad Rags and Great Songs
In the afternoon the girls met up and sang with the boys and men and sang at Grace Church on Broadway. We sang a small concert and I thought it went well. The Lady [ed: Associate Rector] at the Church thanked us when we were finished and bought us all ice creams from the ice cream truck she had arranged to be parked outside. I was thrilled to have ice cream even though the hot climate isn't seeming so bad. They invited us back to sing their Sunday services next time we were in the United States, and their Choir Manager was really interested in what are doing at All Saints.
Saturday, August 16
...Sun but no sand...
At the church we met a dog - Naila. She was really fluffy and her tail was always wagging! She really loved bread and ate everything we gave her, even the big chunks! We then rehearsed for a bit but it seemed really quick and didn't feel like three hours. We had more food at the church - bagels, poppy seed cupcakes and yummy muffins.
After the rehearsal we came back to the hostel and had lunch in the back garden - it was
really hot and sunny after the thunder storm yesterday so we sat outside for lunch on the picnic table - in the middle of the garden there's a pond. Then we went for a long walk in Central Park - there was water everywhere and Sabina nearly went in an enormous puddle! We had to put on lots of sun cream because of the heat and I got lots in my eye - it really stung for ages. In the park we played games - we played a game where two teams raced with a plastic bottle. I was on the winning team! Some of us played rounders although we lost that game - Tilly got caught out by Simon. Most of the other boys played football. Mr Dunleavy has pink sunglasses so we called him Pinky all day.

When we got back to the hostel we had supper and then I played some pool. We got to stay up late and stayed talking to each other in the garden. I've made loads of friends and Honore and one of the boys had a water fight. I started to join in but didtn't want to get wet so retreated to safe ground. Honore lost. Tilly did a French plait for me.
Tomorrow's a busy day so I'm going to bed now.
K. F. (a younger girl chorister)
And God created lots and lots of rain
We took the Coach up to Central Park and ran around a bit with ice creams and then it started raining. [ed: A.D. takes over here - as part of the Roman Catholic Mass party I went to Mass at St Paul's Church, Columbus Avenue, where Fr. Jamie took a service for lots and lots of Catholics on their day of obligation. The acoustics were good in the Church and the men sang "Ave Maria" by Biebl and Mr Pinel played the organ in his socks too loudly] The outdoor concert went ahead but we were soaked and didn't sit out in the rain and listen to 200 guitars. We stood under a large porch in the Lincoln Center for ages and ages until the food arrived and Mr Dunleavy ran out in the rain to buy a whole crate of Bananas.
Home in the Coach, still wet, and pretty much straight to bed - apart from the older crowd who played in "Down Under", and the Group Leaders who had to do a debrief. My room has five other boys in it, but some rooms have as many as ten in total. The rooms are big enough, but we have to keep them tidy otherwise Fr. Kentigern-Fox doesn't give us a good score when our rooms are inspected. Tomorrow we go to Fifth Avenue to rehearse and then to Central Park in the sun this time! R.M. (Boy Chorister, far right with the medal)
Come again on Washing Day

Once we'd found shelter, Messrs. Adams, Hughes and McGovern took a taxi back to the Hostel, picked up our Dinner, and together with Mrs Freeman brought it back so we could have something to eat whilst waiting in our shelter. A very difficult evening made good by the choristers exemplary behaviour and patience.
Our thanks to the Lincoln Center for providing shelter, and to Officer Trebiano & Harris for helping keep our group together in the pouring rain. Today (Saturday) will be much more straightforward which rehearsals in the morning, and then a return to the Hostel for games in the nearby Central Park.
Friday, August 15
...New York, New York....
The Church was really big with a blue starred ceiling. It looked like a night sky. We had to sing from the gallery high up at the back. So we were looking at the back of the congregation. Then a thunder storm happened while we were singing. Sometimes it was louder than us!!! After the service we had a nice reception from the Church people. Then the boys coach had broken down and a new one had to be sent before we
Today we are in Wall Street. We will post some Photos later today.
L.A. (assisted by Dad)
Wednesday, August 13
... How far is it to Bethlehem? ... Not Very Far ...

At the concert people had to stand at the back, so we think there were about 400 in the audience, and at the end everyone stood up as they were applauding us. The concert lasted 2 hours and I'm shattered. After the concert we had a party in the Hall with the audience who bought nearly $650 worth of CDs!!!! My favourite piece was the Gloria from Missa omnes Sancti which we're singing again on Sunday morning on the live broadcast. "I was glad" was pretty good, too, really loud with the all the girls, boys and men and the organ blasting out. Hopefully a good night's sleep and more good breakfast before we're off to New York. The Rector has cool sunglasses! S.J. (Boy Chorister - I'm in the middle)
[Ed: Many, many thanks for Mr Dean and especially Canon Russell Jackson, Precentor and Director of Music for inviting us - he went to Bethlehem straight from All Saints, where he had been Director of Music. Thanks also to all those who so lavishly fed and watered us at the reception afterwards.]

All OK today though and looking forward to the first concert in Bethlehem this evening. The hotel is very nice and spacious with HUGE beds; breakfast was lovely with many options including scrambled egg, which I love, pancakes, which I love, bacon - crispy and American style, which I love. Rooms have TV, microwave, coffee makers, irons, fridge, loads of things and we can call using the 'phone from room-to-room. After breakfast we had our first time with the Rector talking about our journey so far, and a meeting with Mr Dunleavy when we sorted our numbers so that we can be counted on and off the coach quickly - I'm 13, but not unlucky. Then room inspections with the Rector and Fr. Kentigern-Fox, and then the big sort out of music and robes. My Cassock still fits even after the big breakfast.
C.A. (Girl Chorister Parent), S.E. (senior boy chorister)
Sunday, August 10
... Three Days ... Ten Churches ...
John Scott (a Patron of FOASM, DofM at St Thomas Fifth Ave., and former DofM at St Paul's Cathedral) wished us good luck before he left for the UK and we also met the Interim DofM at Smokey Mary's James Kennerley, who used to sing with Mrs Director of Music's brother whilst in Cambridge. Small world? Certainly a small choir gallery at Smokey Mary's, but a HUGE organ. All Saints seems very friendly, but St John the Divine is covered in scaffolding, knows nothing about our visit (argh!), and is all over the media for its enormous budget deficit. Still, made good contacts at St Paul the Apostle at the Lincoln Center, and have plans for Choir visit to hear 200 electric guitarists, simultaneously, at an open-air concert.
Hostel is very nice, and has been spruced up in places (esp. kitchen facilities) since we last stayed in 2003. Visited a Farmers' Market and had Bison Meatballs for Dinner. The Choir arrive very soon and blogs will come from choristers from henceforth. Amen.
Wednesday, August 6
12 Hours to Manhattan ...
For the first time today it has both rained and shined. The time has enabled the Director of Music to make a good number of preparations for the Tour and also for music for next term and the Derngate concerts with the stephen Petronio Dance Company and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Former singing teacher, and Chairman of the DofM's other choir - the Northampton Bach Choir - Heather, is cat-sitting and has e-mailed some great photos of Des and Gladys at play. Not long now until the troops descend ...
Sunday, August 3
En Voyage
Much of the voyage so far spent reading Voltaire's Candide, marking up scores for Bach Choir, and hoping that Des and Gladys are behaving themselves. Last night's black and tie ball gave us a chance to show off our cha-cha-cha, which is certainly not the Director of Music's strength, even though Mrs Dunleavy is adept.
Thursday, July 24
... The Older (though not Wiser) Girls ...

The singing part is of course tiring and strenuous but the result at the end of a performance is one that polite words cannot describe.
For a few of us this will be our last ever tour with the choir and this is one thing we are a little less excited about. We know from previous tours that a final performance always evokes high emotions however hard you try to keep them contained. We will just make it the best ever tour we have been on and grasp every opportunity with open ... arms.
Anyway, we hope to enjoy ourselves immensely and have as much fun possible, whilst being highly professional :) It will be FABULOUS! xxxxxx
J.L., J.D., T.T. & K.M. (Girl Choristers)
A boy chorister writes ...

Wednesday, July 23
Fries on the Side

The concert went really well so we're now hard at work learning and perfecting all our music - there's lot to learn as we have loads of concerts and services planned for when we're out there. It's getting exciting now, and we've had all the meetings and lists of what we need to pack and take with us. I'm looking forward to tasting an American McDonalds - apparently they taste really different from ours! M.G. (First-Year Girl Chorister).
Wednesday, July 9
... one month to go ...

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